church bookkeeping

We have a new website!

We have a new website because we have a new mission!!

GoodBooks, a division of Bellwether, offers churches the training and technology to free up your people and at the same time maintain your own “good books”! Bookkeeping is rarely at the top of anyone’s bucket list! (I know this is hard to believe!) But we are passionate about helping every church have the resources, both knowledge and tools, to have excellent, transparent and useful financial records.

Take a tour around our new website today! Have fun watching our little story about GoodBooks and check out our Church Resources.

Then consider, do you want to have good books? Could your financial recordkeeping be simplified, streamlined and more secure?

Here at GoodBooks, we have developed the TripleR System to make Recording, Reconciling and Reporting as easy as 1-2-3. Check it out today. And don’t forget to sign up for a newsy bi-monthly church newsletter!

We hope you like the new site!